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Nua DHA Aplications


Pregnancy and developing child

Between the two omega-3 (DHA and EPA), DHA is with no doubt the main player during pregnancy as well as during the first years of life (specially the first one). In the brain, 14% of the fatty acid content are omega-3 (mainly DHA) and 17% are omega-6 (mainly arachidonic acid), and both accumulate rapidly during gestation and the first year of life. The demand for DHA is particularly high during the last quarter of the pregnancy which is the time when most of the DHA accumulates in the human brain, just at the time when the neuronal networks (‘like the electrical network’) are being laid and the retinal tissue is being consolidated. It is worth highlighting that the DHA content of the grey matter in the brain is greater than 30% and that in the central area of the retina called macula, more than 50% of its fatty acid content is DHA. Therefore, DHA is an essential component for a healthy development of the nervous and visual system. Also, it should be noted that premature infants, twins, children of vegetarian mothers, some adopted children and in general, in cases where there has been a suboptimal nutrition during the gestational period, there is a risk of DHA deficiency. In principle, this deficiency is not noticeable, since children are perfectly normal and happy. It is however during the school period (about 6 years), when learning and behaviour problems can be noticed (ie. inattention, hyperactivity, lack of concentration, impaired motor skills, dyslexia etc.). Several studies suggest that a lack of DHA during pregnancy and early childhood, is a contributing factor to future cognitive and behavioural disturbances. Some of the benefits of DHA in pregnant women and young children highlighted by some authors are:


  • Contributes to improved neurodevelopment and motor skills.
  • Improves visual acuity and the baby’s intellectual development.
  • Fewer premature births and increased fetal weight.

The EARNEST and PeriLip programs from the European Union recommend a minimum daily intake of DHA during pregnancy and lactation of 200 mg, having found that intakes of up to 1,000 mg DHA / day are safe. A suitable dose for a pregnant or lactating woman is approx. 500 mg DHA / day.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Based on the above, taking 3 softgels per week of NuaDHA 1000 (with food) or 1 NuaDHA400/day, would comfortably cover the minimum requirements of DHA of a pregnant women. However, considering that in the last quarter of the pregnancy the demand for DHA increases exponentially, during this period it is possible to take 1 softgel of NuaDHA 1000 per day. Currently, there is concern regarding the safety of fish in general as well as omega-3 food supplements in pregnant women, due to the potential presence of heavy metals and other contaminants. NuaDHA 1000 gives the maximum guarantee regarding its purity and lack of pollutants through the 5 stars IFOS quality stamp. IFOS guarantees not only the amount of active substance contained per softgel, but also that contaminants such as heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins are almost absent from the product.

DHA and post-labour depression


DHA and post-labour depression DHA is not only an essential nutrient for the developing embryo and young children, but it is also very important for the future mother. The strong demand for DHA from the developing embryo together with an insufficient intake through the diet, often results in suboptimal levels of DHA in the mother. The reluctance to eat fish for fear of the possible presence of contamination by heavy metals etc., reduces even further the uptake of DHA. Postpartum depression is a disorder that affects approx. 10-20% of childbearing women. Although its aetiology seems complex (environmental, genetic factors, hormonal etc.), a growing body of evidence suggests a direct association between poor omega-3 fatty acid status (especially DHA) and risk of maternal depression and childhood behavioural disorders. The high demand for DHA during pregnancy, often results in suboptimal levels of this fatty acid after delivery which can still persist even 6 months later. The existing evidence therefore supports the supply of DHA during pregnancy in order to prevent or minimise post-partum depression.


DHA and Learning disabilities

DHA and Learning disabilities According to several observational studies, learning disabilities disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), autism, dyslexia etc. are linked to an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency compared to normal children of the same age. The cause for this difference is unknown but it seems that supplementation with omega-3 can help improve symptoms. Amongst the two main omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA), DHA seems to have the most relevant role (ie. 0,5-2 g DHA/day). Regular supplementation with DHA in children, teenagers or adults with learning or concentration problems is an interesting tool which helps improve these conditions.


DHA and Visual health

DHA and Visual health DHA is an essential nutrient for a proper functioning of visual cells (photoreceptors). The retina is like a ‘screen’ where images of what we see are reflected. In its most central area, there is a very small point called macula which is responsible for a good central vision. The macula is one of the body tissues which concentrate more DHA (> 50%). This shows how important DHA is for a healthy retina. In fact, numerous studies have highlight the important support that DHA offers in cases where there are retinal alterations (ie. macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa etc.). A good eye ball lubrication is essential for a healthy eye. The most superficial layer of the eye tears is formed by a thin lipid film secreted by small oil glands located in the eyelids, which prevent the evaporation of the watery layer beneath it. Several studies have shown how important DHA is for the integrity of the lipid film and therefore prevent from surface eye problems (ie. dry eye). Studies have also shown how DHA promotes the regeneration of corneal nerves. This is of great interest for an optimal recovery from corneal ulcers (‘ulcers in the white of the eye’). In Nua Biological we have created NuaDHA VISION a specific product to support visual health based on two components: a DHA softgel (component A) and an antioxidant mix based on vitamins and minerals (component B).


DHA and nervous system health

DHA and nervous system health The potential of omega-3 fatty acids in the nervous system health is having an increasing interest. Fossil studies in Africa have shown that skulls from savanna inhabitants (were the main food sources were meat and grasses), were smaller in size to those found in coastal areas (were seafood was also part of the diet). These observations lead to the working hypotheses that introduction of omega-3 in the diet and especially of DHA, was the turning point in the evolution which lead towards a rational and intelligent human being. Up to 50-60% of the brain’s weight are lipids (fats) from which 35-40% are DHA, with hardly no EPA (<1%). Therefore, from a structural viewpoint, DHA is with no doubt the key omega-3 fatty acid in the brain. DHA is a ‘raw material’ needed for the formation of the neuronal network (‘electric cabling in the brain’) and its intake increases the speed at which the nervous impulse is transmitted (of great interest in concentration alterations). In addition, DHA (and possibly to some extent EPA) seem to be involved in the modulation of several neurotransmitters (ie. serotonin, dopamine etc), being a nutrient of great interest in many neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.


DHA and cardiovascular health

DHA and cardiovascular health During the last 30 years many studies have been conducted on the benefits of omega-3 in the cardiovascular system. In 1944, Sinclair described how odd it was the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases among Greenland Eskimos, whose diet was rich in seals, whales and fish. Furthermore, over 30 years ago, Bang and Dyberg noted that despite taking a diet low in fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates and high in saturated fat and cholesterol, the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of Eskimos were lower than similarly aged adults in the neighbouring Denmark, where the risk of myocardial infarction was also higher. These observations led to speculations about the protective role of omega-3 in what became known as the Eskimo Factor. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted that highlight the importance of omega-3 to support cardiovascular health (ie. DART studies, GISSI, JELIS,…). Both EPA and DHA promote cardiovascular health, although each fatty acid works through different mechanisms of action. The American Heart Association or AHA (American Heart Association) recommends taking 1,000 mg omega-3 / day. DHA, like EPA, helps reduce blood triglycerides, a type of fat which in excess can become a threat to the cardiovascular health. Furthermore, studies have shown that DHA has a moderately hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effect. There is a widespread belief that omega-3 lower cholesterol levels. However, according to the scientific literature, this is not exactly true. The total cholesterol-lowering effect of omega-3 fatty acids is in all cases rather moderate and not significant.   DHA is very good at increasing ‘good cholesterol’, also known as HDL. Furthermore, DHA causes ‘bad cholesterol’ molecules (known as LDL) to increase in size, making them less atherogenic, ie. do not stick to the walls of the blood vessels as easily (and thus prevents from ‘blocking ‘ them). Therefore, this second feature, is also interesting for the cardiovascular health.