Other NUA Products

Skin Anti-aging


NuaDerma® direction for use: 1 capsule /day with breakfast.

Areas of interest & remark: NuaDerma® has 3 main features: 1) antiaging effect seen within max.2 months of taking the product (increased hydration, increased elasticity, reduced wrinkle depth, especially on the face); 2) protection of light skin phototypes, prone to suffer skin lesions more easily, due to solar damage; 3) oral photoprotection (increases Minimal Erythemal Dose-MED, retarding the burning of the skin when exposed to the sun); solar radiation is the main contributor to skin aging (‘photoaging’) and skin damage, and therefore, it is essential to include an adequate oral photoprotection within the formula. NuaDerma® can offer this quite successfully.

Note: an antiaging study has been carried out in Pharmacies in Spain with noticeable success.

Skin Health & Strong Antioxidant


Areas of interest & remark

Hidroxinua®25 is a high concentrate of hydroxytyrosol (HT), a powerful phenol from the olive fruit and key constituent of a healthy Mediterranean diet. HT is regarded as one of the most powerful antioxidants known to date in nature, beyond well-known antioxidants such vitamin C, CoQ10, astaxanthin, resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, curcumin etc. This ingredient is also present in several NUA formulations (ie. CardioNuaEPA®, NuaLipid®, AndroNuaDHA®, NuaDerma®) as it has remarkable attributes in various health areas.

However, on its own and in a concentration range between 25 mg/day to 75mg-100 mg/day, HT has an interesting niche of use in the following areas:

  • It offers a remarkable support in certain skin alterations within just 2 months (ie. psoriasis, rosacea etc.). In these cases, it can be combined with NuaDerma® (protocols available).
  • A daily supply of antioxidant power in people who do not eat fruit and vegetables regularly, and therefore lack sufficient antioxidant strength in their bodies to fight excessive free radicals produced in our daily lives.
  • Of interest to counteract brain free radicals produced under different situations (ie. epileptic seizures, traumatisms etc.).
  • In sports practice it supports oxygenation, recovery times and endurance.
  • It prevents the oxidation (by free radicals) of LDL cholesterol, which in turn, prevents cholesterol from adhering to the lining of the blood vessels, which would otherwise interfere with an adequate blood flow (‘plaque’).

Attenttion, behavior & intellectual performance


NuaEquizenter® direction for use 1-2 capsules /day with breakfast and lunch.

Areas of interest & remark:

NuaEquizenter® is intended to support children, adolescents and adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Within ADHD, some children mainly have attentional/ concentration problems with no behavior disorders associated, whilst some others have both elements present.

In people with just attentional/concentration problems, NuaDHA® is a first line supplement which can offer a great support within 2-3 months. However, there is a small subset of people who might need more than just DHA might be limited, in which case it would be advisable to add further nutrients such as those included in NuaEquizenter® for superior results. Therefore, in attention/concentration problems, NuaEquizenter® would only be used if the response to NuaDHA® after 3 months, was not fully satisfactory.

On the other hand, in those people with obvious behavior problems (ie. hyperactive, impulsive, aggressive, anxiety etc.), it is necessary to always take NuaEquizenter® together with NuaDHA® at the doses indicated by the existing protocols. This tandem s capable of supplying a wide array of nutrients that are important in the aforementioned situations and become a safe alternative for those who do not respond well to existing medications or suffer from adverse effects (ie. insomnia, loss of weight, headache etc. with methylphenidate).

Finally, on its own, NuaEquizenter® can help reinforce intellectual performance in any adolescent or adult during periods of intense intellectual demand (ie. before exams)

Skin Health & Strong Antioxidant

Nualipid® (50 caps)

NuaLipid® 25 direction for use: 2 capsules /day (one with lunch and another with dinner).

Areas of interest & remark

This new formulation is quite novel in the market (‘free from Monacolin K’), as it uses an apple extract (‘Annurca apple’) as its main component to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

An ideal supplement for adolescent and adults with moderate elevations of their cholesterol levels (ie. >200-250 mg/dl). Specially interesting for women in their menopause, where cholesterol levels often increase.

NuaLipid® not only helps control the cholesterol levels, but also prevents existing cholesterol from adhering to the endothelial lining of the blood vessels, as it also prevents the oxidation of LDL. This is a very important feature to prevent the formation of atheromatous plaques that could affect the blood flow.

This product is an interesting alternative for people who suffer undesirable secondary effects when taking statins.

Note: if triglycerides levels were also high, 2-3 softgels of NuaDHA® or NuaEPA® or a combination of both, should result in a significant improvement of this parameter.

Metabolic Syndrome


CardioNuaEPA® direction for use: 1 capsule of Product A at the beginning of a meal and 1 softgel of product B during a meal (Product B: 1 softgel of NuaEPA®450). Option B: take each product at alternative days

Areas of interest & remark:

CardioNuaEPA® is designed for a normal ‘healthy’ adult population that falls under the “Metabolic syndrome” criteria (approx.30% adults). An ideal supplement when 2 or 3 of the following parameters are slightly increased: cholesterol and/or blood sugar and/or blood pressure (ie. middle age adults, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome etc.).

Metabolic syndrome is ‘silent’ and is not a disease. It is a preliminary stage which indicates that a person, unless proper healthy habits are introduced, is at high risk of progressing into more serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and/or unwanted cardiovascular events.

Especially important for women, as 60% of them can have Metabolic syndrome traits and are therefore, at increased risk of suffering future cardiovascular events.

CardioNuaEPA® components are offer a great support in people with moderate alterations of blood pressure, cholesterol and/or sugar levels for whom taking prescription drugs still cannot be justified. With regard to cholesterol levels, in some cases, further support could be achieved by adding on NuaLipid®

Respiratory Health

Reishinua® bebible (15vials) & Reishinua®caps (90 caps)

Reishinua® direction for use

Reishinua bebible (1-2 vials/day with a drink) & Reishinua caps (1-2 caps/3 times a day).

Areas of interest & remark

Reishi mushroom, together with Perilla leaves and quercetin, are the three common ingredients of the present formulations. Both formats are an ideal support against lower respiratory alterations of viral origin (ie. bronchitis, pneumonia etc.) as well as for allergic conditions (ie. allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis etc.).

After one month taking the products at the right dose, there is a clear decrease in the frequency and intensity of respiratory problems. Viral infections and/or allergic episodes, are more easily overcome with these supplements.

The capsules format is also of great interest for smokers, as a means of supporting a clean-up of the airways.

The drinkable format (‘bebible’) is one of the few in the market that can be used in small children (beyond 6 months).

Visual Health

NuaDHA® Vision (30+30) & Nuantiox® Vision (45 caps)

NuaDHA® Vision & Nuantiox® direction for use

1 capsule of Product A at the beginning of a meal and 1 softgel of product B during a meal.

Areas of interest & remark:

NuaDHA® Vision is a combination of 2 sub-products: Product A (visual antioxidant blend) + Product B (NuaDHA®1000: high DHA concentrate). It is ideal on a preventive basis, to protect visual function in medium age adults or when there is a family background for certain visual diseases.

Also, very recommended in early stages of common visual diseases (ie. macular degeneration, glaucoma diabetic retinopathy, dry eye): in this respect, an increased wellbeing will be obtained if at least 1 more softgel of NuaDHA® is added to the one already included in the product. In these cases, where more than one softgel of NuaDHA®1000 is preferred, the final user can alternatively buy each of the products (A & B) separately viz. ‘Nuantiox Vision’ (visual antioxidant blend or Product A) and ‘NuaDHA®1000’ (high DHA concentrate or Product B).

Note: a Pilot study was conducted in a Spanish Hospital in patients with Glaucoma and Dry eye. Study published in February 2020 in a Spanish Opthalmologic Journal. N.B. for both products, best support can often be seen after a minimum of 3 months taking the supplements at the right dose.

Men’s Fertility

AndroNuaDha® (30+30)

AndroNuaDha® direction for use

1 capsule of Product A at the beginning of a meal and 1 softgel of product B during a meal.

Areas of interest & remark

AndroNuaDHA® is a combination of 2 sub-products: Product A (antioxidant blend) + Product B (NuaDHA® 1000: high DHA concentrate). It is ideal to support men’s fertility both to achieve the best quality sperm in natural fertilization and to support couples who are struggling to achieve a pregnancy.

It should be noted that a couple is not officially infertile until they have been, at least one year, trying to achieve a pregnancy by natural means. Therefore, during those 12 months, they are not eligible to be treated with Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART). This period is ideal to use AndroNuaDHA® to improve men’s sperm quality.

Prior to the manipulation and/or cryopreservation of semen samples, taking AndroNuaDHA® will improve the overall quality of the sperm after thawing or manipulation. Note: men are responsible, in average, for 50% of infertility problems in a couple worldwide, although in Middle East countries, this rate is higher (60%-70%).

A clinical trial undertaken by NUA with public and private medical institutions (IVI & CSIC) was published in September 2018 in the Journal ‘Reproductive Biology’.

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